Sexual Offenses

Sexual Offenses

At Max Pines Law, we distinguish ourselves through our extensive experience and uniquely client-centered approach, providing premier support and exceptional results in sexual offense defense cases.

Sexual Offenses are remarkably complicated and specialized cases that typically involve high emotion, nuanced psychological issues, and huge potential consequences for the accused.

Sexual Offenses include a very large number of specific crimes that vary depending on the types of persons involved, the existence of force, coercion, or other psychological factors, and whether the alleged conduct occurred over the internet or with electronic devices.

The penalties for these cases are staggering: most charges can result in lifetime registration as a sex offender; many can result in decades of imprisonment.

Specialized expert testimony and scientific evidence is common in these cases and includes DNA, medical testimony, and computer forensics.

An inexperienced and untried attorney can quickly be overwhelmed with this difficult subject matter and ferocity with which these cases are prosecuted. Competent counsel on these cases requires significant experience.

Max Pines has tried over 15 of these cases; he knows how to defend them.